KB3JQQ>Paul KB3JQQ>CCARC fest on Sunday @ Sportsman's Hall in Arcadia W3TDH>Finally got linked in on Echolink N3HF-L>*WASH_DC* you have timed out! The timeout timer on this conference is set to 180 seconds. W3TDH>WB3GXW-R WASH,DC-MD has disconnected KB3JQQ>no repeater outputs on the low end of 440 so you don't mess up ATV KB3JQQ>http://laurelcvec.org/ for a complete list of Laurel VE tests W3YVQ>145.33 has a rx site in Annap. so if you can hear BTN you may very well be able to QNI. N3VBJ>AE3RO AERO ARC working JOTA for 200 scouts at B&O Train roundhouse W3YVQ>Take them out to climb on the big engines in the outside shop, Jerry. N3VBJ>Im in kansas al Joe and Pat will be there tomorrow W3YVQ>FB KB3JQQ-L>another Agnes to chug up the Chesterpeake Bay? KB3JQQ>97.407 RACES service W3YVQ>Ed is also a big supporter of MEPN and BTN in TFC handling. KB3LIB>Had a glitch trying to transmit KB3JQQ-L>pig-nic? W3YVQ>Yahoo! KB3JQQ>no deposit ~ no return W3YVQ>73 all KB3LIB>7e W3TDH>We will be working to set up the net control station for the Marine Corps Marathon tomorrow. W3YVQ>Great job, Dave! W3TDH>Best Regards