[7:58:19 PM] KB3SWS>Hello, all. [7:59:58 PM] WB3KAS>Hi Pam! [8:02:25 PM] W3ICF>GOOD EVENING MARTY [8:02:43 PM] KB3MXM>hello all [8:02:54 PM] WB3GXW>Hi Marty I suffered a 2nd death in the family on Monday. [8:03:18 PM] WB3GXW>I have no comments. take care all [8:03:31 PM] W3YVQ>Sincere condolences, John. [8:03:31 PM] WB3GXW>treasure your loved ones [8:03:55 PM] KB3MXM>OMG - my prayers to you and family [8:04:06 PM] WB3GXW>lost wife on 7/30 and youngest daughter on 8/15 [8:04:24 PM] WB3GXW>I am really suffering [8:04:33 PM] KB3MXM>Sincere condolences [8:04:36 PM] WB3GXW>take care all [8:04:55 PM] WB3GXW>signing off this evening [8:05:03 PM] WB3GXW>73 all [8:06:50 PM] W3ICF>GOD BLESS YOU AND THOSE YOU LOST JOHN [8:12:45 PM] WI3N>Obit info for John's daughter Gina N3ZQU https://www.collinsfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Gina-Paulette-Creel?obId=25640610#/obituaryInfo [8:14:27 PM] WI3N>Obit info for John's wife Debbie: https://www.collinsfuneralhome.com/obituaries/Debra-Jo-Dispenza-Creel?obId=25488545#/obituaryInfo [8:15:03 PM] WI3N>Debbie Creel N3LFM SK [8:16:59 PM] AI0K>SKYWARN Announcements [8:18:36 PM] W3YVQ>Hello, Mr. Jim [8:19:41 PM] WI3N>Hi Father Al [8:20:42 PM] WI3N>Video link for recent Winlink presentation by David Bern, W3LNX: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWTg2OSPMww [8:21:14 PM] W3YVQ>TU [8:22:48 PM] AB3WG>Any info on Section SET? [8:30:45 PM] AI0K>Having problems here. Please come back to me [8:35:15 PM] KB3MXM>that kinda strange - repeating his audio [8:36:05 PM] AI0K>Nope. Gonna change computers. [8:39:37 PM] W3TDH>That was so strange to hear my own message repeating itself. That began when I hit the PTT lightning icon to release to listen. [8:40:45 PM] WI3N>WB3GXW-R is a repeater checked in [8:41:56 PM] W3TDH>If anyone has any idea what caused that, especially if it might have been something I did, please let me know how to avoid a recurrence. [8:48:10 PM] KB3MXM>mcmham.org [8:50:03 PM] KA2JAI-R>W3TDH EchoLink has the ability to record audio. Possibly this feature had something to do with it - just a wild guess. [8:52:08 PM] AI0K>Marty, I'm back on RF on the Frederick Repeater. [8:55:11 PM] AI0K>Exceeded TX time limit [8:55:42 PM] KB3MXM>OK Jerry, UR after Pam [8:57:45 PM] N3WYG>This is not working agian. It works on the Test Server but not since then. [8:58:08 PM] KB3MXM>it work [9:01:11 PM] KB3SPH>next MDC HF Hospital Net is Wednesday, 21 Sep, 1900 EDT, on 3820 kHz [9:04:25 PM] W3TDH>Again for the use of antenna equipment to train with for ARES and especially ARES-MAT please contact W3TDH@arrl.net. Montgomery County ARES has a large cache of equipment commonly used in field operation [9:04:40 PM] WB3KAS>Bill, XL, unmute, Wanda wants to check in [9:05:06 PM] N3WYG>No GO [9:10:16 PM] KB3SWS>Good night.