[7:57:37 PM] AE3B>Good Evening! No voice here, sadly. It died out on me about 2 hours ago! :) [7:58:31 PM] AE3B>Tell me about it! [8:00:14 PM] AE3B>Can you all see my texts? [8:00:21 PM] N3FQC>yes [8:00:38 PM] W3HIZ>de W3HIZ [8:01:55 PM] KB3JQQ-L>if you click the global box then it works no matter what - I used to use the right side + key as momentary [8:05:23 PM] AE3B>http://arrl-mdc.net/BTHV/BTHV68/BTHVweb.htm [8:09:17 PM] N3FQC>scott are you recording this? [8:10:45 PM] KB3JQQ-L>;-) [8:29:20 PM] W3HIZ>need to go to bed. sorry I will check with Scott about the recording [8:33:29 PM] KB3JQQ-L>it auto records on this node [8:42:57 PM] AE3B>May I never get a URL or long email in a message! [8:43:05 PM] AE3B>:) [8:54:16 PM] AE3B>Group separation is sometimes easier in CW but, even then, the receiver has to clarify the check. [8:57:47 PM] KB3JQQ-L>all of the info is important [8:58:57 PM] AE3B>Two places for Op Notes and neither are included when relaying the message to the addressee [9:01:57 PM] KB3JQQ-L>scroll down to 2018-04-28 for the last one [9:01:59 PM] KB3JQQ-L>https://kb3jqq.com/SwELNets/ [9:02:09 PM] KB3JQQ-L>look there for this one [9:03:55 PM] KB3JQQ-L>I am a co-moderator here https://groups.io/g/EchoLink [9:15:43 PM] AE3B>Interesting distinction on that one! [9:24:45 PM] AE3B>Still working out the abbreviation for New Araskansaw. [9:25:02 PM] AE3B>:) [9:35:12 PM] KB3JQQ-L>NK? [9:47:44 PM] KB3JQQ-L>all TZs are assigned a letter designation - local is J - UTC is Z - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone [9:52:41 PM] AE3B>NUMBER [9:52:48 PM] AE3B>ROUTINE [9:53:10 PM] KB3JQQ-L>the dispatch order is on the top of the last net control sheet I made [9:55:22 PM] KB3JQQ-L>I would always give my callsign when dispatching traffic because I ran out of 10 minutes while a message was being passed and I had to throw out my callsign [10:01:34 PM] AE3B>Thanks for everything, Al! This was fun! [10:02:40 PM] AE3B>So much to track! [10:04:21 PM] AE3B>Gotta run, goodnight! [10:04:49 PM] N3FQC>much learned - many questions that were not asked were due to the training we have received over time. [10:13:54 PM] KB3JQQ-L>got it already - check website later