[7:55:15 PM] KB3SWS>Good evening, everyone. [7:56:50 PM] W3YVQ>How are you progressing, John? [7:59:08 PM] W3YVQ>Hello, Mr. Jim. [7:59:42 PM] WI3N>Hi Fr Al;, good to see you on board! [7:59:55 PM] W3YVQ>Likewise [8:12:29 PM] N3WYG>WB3KAS WHAT FREQUENCIES WILL YOU BE ON TOMORROW? COULD I BE OF HELP HERE IN BOWIE? [8:14:54 PM] WB3KAS>Milford, we will doing winlink, looking the best Node fro thr Region. Look for a winlink msg from us. rnx for asking. [8:15:44 PM] N3WYG>WB3KAS K [8:23:11 PM] W3YVQ>And that goes for ARESMAT as well, Mr. Jim. [8:24:13 PM] WI3N>Roger that a [8:25:56 PM] AB3WG>marty next [8:26:16 PM] W3YVQ>It boils down to the milligrams vs. micrograms issue. If one receives the msg with mg (not MG) how does the op know which expansion term to use wthout killing someone? [8:33:36 PM] WI3N>As always, a good question. Maybe a note in parentheses it is being sent exactly as given? [8:36:00 PM] W3YVQ>Suppose the form entry is "mg", and the op is told to use uppercase letters only, he can not change mg to Mg., plus he may not know what mg stands for. [8:37:07 PM] W3YVQ>and MG is not correct. [8:40:54 PM] W3YVQ>FL - MSG exports the form content exactly as entered by the official, including upper/lower case and punct. That .txt file will bass via Winlink Radio-email as an attachment without alteration. [8:43:51 PM] W3YVQ>You may also open the .txt file, copy the contents, and paste them between the breaks in a Radiogram, which creates a "Hybrid Radiogram." This Hybrid Radiogram may b e posted on RRI's DTN and it will [8:45:50 PM] W3YVQ>Hence, here in MDC, our NTS staff consists of both Winlink and RRI/DTN stations capable of handling such messaging. ARESMAT will need at least WL2K gear to work them. [8:47:28 PM] AB3WG>NJW NEXT [8:47:41 PM] W3YVQ>We have also expanded to include VARA mode in addition to Pactor for HF, and VARA for VHF. [8:48:55 PM] W3YVQ>And our new 3rd Region RRI/DTN hub is kc3btv in DE, also equipped for both VARA and Pactor. [8:51:04 PM] WB3GXW>late check in [8:51:28 PM] W3YVQ>I've almost used up all the toner in the text box. TU [8:51:51 PM] WI3N>HaHa [8:53:52 PM] W3YVQ>We need more CW ops on the MDC nets!