[8:06:10 PM] KB3MXM>just like any radio net !!!!!!!!!!!!! easy [8:08:04 PM] W3YVQ>Hello, Mr. Jim [8:08:33 PM] AB3WG>ty [8:08:47 PM] AB3WG>good [8:09:47 PM] WI3N>Good evening Fr Al [8:10:58 PM] KB3MXM>https://atldiv.org/ [8:13:48 PM] KB3MXM>NETS [8:17:14 PM] KB3MXM>comment [8:17:14 PM] WB3GXW>perfect announcement [8:17:50 PM] KB3MXM>hello WB3GXW [8:18:34 PM] KB3MXM>https://www.fcc.gov/licensing-databases/system-notifications [8:18:58 PM] KA2JAI-R>I got my VE results back from the FCC a few hrs ago. I think they are back up. [8:19:18 PM] WB3GXW>okay good [8:21:25 PM] KB3MXM>MDC S.E.T. Oct 7th TU [8:22:22 PM] WB3GXW>time out [8:22:28 PM] KB3MXM>Keep an eye on the Atlantic - [8:22:31 PM] KB3MXM>The Hurricane Watch Net [8:22:58 PM] WB3GXW>system time out pending [8:24:09 PM] KB3MXM>Aug 23rd HFHN Net [8:25:25 PM] WB3GXW>need reset !! [8:25:29 PM] KB3MXM>Mid-Atlantic TG 3124 DMR Net every Thu @ 8 PM [8:25:45 PM] WB3GXW>go [8:26:51 PM] KB3MXM>https://nts2.arrl.org/ NTS Modernization Project [8:29:49 PM] KB3MXM>brb - hm router reset needed [8:36:14 PM] W3YVQ>Ane that WL2K ap "Packlink" is the one with the POP3/smtp server built in. [8:38:20 PM] W3YVQ>Each workstation on your EOC floor or ICS HQ can have its own Tactical Address on WL2K which will be served by the ARES station set up there on the WL2K network. [8:40:15 PM] KB3MXM>congrats [8:42:49 PM] KB3MXM>Training Nets - EVERY TUESDAY @ 7:30 PM Local - K3ERA 145.230- pl 110.9 Repeater [8:43:19 PM] KB3MXM>Chris got DMR !!!!!!!!! [8:43:45 PM] AB3WG>no - just listen on the pc [8:46:12 PM] KA2JAI-R>Chris, I use Listen only to prevent any noise from here from interfering. But we are ready when you call us. [8:46:23 PM] AB3WG>ok ty [8:46:25 PM] AB3WG>next [8:47:33 PM] KC3EWN>AB3WG this is KC3EWN, yes I did get your email. Thank you so much! [8:48:11 PM] AB3WG>good - ty [8:51:25 PM] W3YVQ>Wish w3sog was still with us. TNX Phil. [8:52:02 PM] AB3WG>I heard you - [8:53:34 PM] W3ICF>AL I FEEL THE SAME WAY, I MISS HIS HELP [8:54:15 PM] W3YVQ>DID SOMEBODY SAY CW? [8:55:08 PM] KB3MXM>A toast to the "Old Man" at Rose Cementary, Hagerstown - Saturday, September 2, 2023 will mark the 154th anniversary of his birth. [8:58:46 PM] KB3MXM>make sure you add Scout activity to your ARRL Special Sevice Club accomplishment [8:59:19 PM] KB3MXM>Awesome !!!!!!!!!!!!! [9:00:43 PM] KB3MXM>in Rose Hill Cemetery, 600 S Potomac Street, Hagerstown, Maryland [9:00:52 PM] WB3GXW>make this happen Marty [9:06:07 PM] WB3GXW>Roger