[7:57:56 PM] KB3SWS>Good evening, everyone. [7:59:46 PM] KB3MXM>Hello all [8:00:07 PM] WB3GXW>hello all systems are go [8:12:42 PM] KB3MXM>QSL [8:16:58 PM] WB3GXW>time out [8:17:35 PM] WB3GXW>system time out pending [8:18:35 PM] WB3GXW>reset needed [8:25:26 PM] KB3SPH>Interesting- only using EchoLink on my android cellphone [8:31:24 PM] KA2JAI-R>Marty: Call KA2JAI again when convenient. KC3OQP and I are here. Had trouble getting into net. [8:33:39 PM] KB3MXM>ka2jai - wilco [8:37:25 PM] WB3GXW>time out [8:39:58 PM] WB3GXW-R>Dead carrier timeout [8:40:49 PM] KB3MXM>i heard you QQP [8:51:07 PM] KB3JQQ-L>https://www.dxinfocentre.com [9:01:37 PM] KB3JQQ-L>I just looked and most are "off" now - mine has 47? [9:03:11 PM] WB3KAS>Marty, have a question for you. No hurry. [9:07:29 PM] KB3JQQ-L>your audio is really low [9:07:58 PM] KB3MXM>a bit better yes [9:09:16 PM] KB3MXM>WOW ! [9:09:16 PM] KB3MXM>