[7:54:24 PM] AB3WG>yes [7:58:47 PM] KB2SKP>Hello? [8:00:26 PM] W3YVQ>Hello again, kb2skp [8:05:01 PM] KB3MXM>Carroll County Hamfests [8:05:03 PM] KB3MXM>Door to Virtue #46 A.F. & A.M. Masonic Lodge [8:05:17 PM] KB3MXM>46 Monroe St., Westminster, MD 21157 [8:07:46 PM] W3YVQ>MEPN takes checkins on GXW-L daily at 2200Z. [8:08:30 PM] AB3WG>oh - ok sorry [8:08:40 PM] AB3WG>please [8:18:00 PM] W3YVQ>Hello Mr. Jim. [8:18:52 PM] WB3GXW>net reset [8:18:59 PM] WB3GXW>good [8:19:22 PM] WI3N>Hi to you Fr Al [8:21:13 PM] WB3GXW>time out [8:29:00 PM] W3TDH>May I ask a question about Winlink [8:31:03 PM] AB3WG>ok sorry [8:31:08 PM] AB3WG>stand by [8:32:34 PM] W3TDH>Have to step out [8:36:14 PM] W3YVQ>And, lastly, the WL2K applications permit peer-to-peer direct swapping of email-formatted messaging directly on VHF/UHF and MF/HF. [8:37:42 PM] W3YVQ>Check the PRGE hospital simplex radio-email networking using the Winlink technology. [8:38:38 PM] KB2SKP>question about MDC ERP; is the version posted on www.ARRL-MDC.net the most current? [8:39:12 PM] KB2SKP>last update 18 Jan 2007 [8:39:13 PM] KB3MXM>ko4erh [8:39:24 PM] KB3MXM>ken [8:39:34 PM] W3YVQ>The popular packet software, FL-digi, privided an application called FL-MSG with is an ICS interactive form interface with a text file export which file can be send via WL2K or Hybrid Radiograms on RR [8:40:05 PM] W3YVQ>which is [8:40:09 PM] KB3MXM>Ken, ALEXANDRIA, VA [8:40:25 PM] W3YVQ>can be sent [8:40:36 PM] KB3JQQ-L>KO4ERH [8:40:48 PM] W3YVQ>I should put my glasses on! [8:41:32 PM] W3TDH>Sorry I'm back a neighbor has a backed up drain and needed to borrow a drain snake. [8:43:36 PM] W3YVQ>So Tom the WL2K system allows us to send email-formatted messages p2p and through the network anywhere in the US....and the network may be reached by radio on HF, VHF, and UHF, or via internet. [8:44:05 PM] KB3MXM>KB3ARZ, Rob, INDIANHEAD, MD [8:44:32 PM] W3YVQ>WL2K also has a bridge to the public internet via a firewall to allow sending official's messages to their EOC data systems, NIMS/ICS command centers, etc. [8:46:46 PM] KB3MXM>TU WB3GXW [8:50:57 PM] K3HKI-R>Brought K3HKI-R into the conference in Listen only mode [8:51:15 PM] K3HKI-R>DE KB2SKP [8:53:06 PM] W3YVQ>Tom, W3TDH, if you have a moment after the net closes I have a few more words re your question. [8:53:38 PM] W3YVQ>I want him on MEPN! [8:53:49 PM] WB3GXW>give that Amateur a contract [8:55:39 PM] W3YVQ>Few minor changes due to be posted soon re the BTN freq but otherwise good.. [8:55:40 PM] W3TDH>W3YVQ I will wait at the end of the net. [8:56:42 PM] AB3WG>ill go back to tdh - stand by [8:57:15 PM] W3YVQ>KB2SKP chat with me on MEPN about the emergency plan when you can. [9:01:43 PM] KB2SKP>MEPN? [9:02:47 PM] W3YVQ>The MEPN on 3820 where you checked in, daily, 2130Z prenet, 2200Z format call. [9:03:23 PM] W3YVQ>It's the Maryland Emergency Phone Net founded in 1952. [9:04:37 PM] AB3WG>ty [9:06:59 PM] KB3MXM>One more quick reminder [9:07:35 PM] AC3CU>AC3CU I enjoyed the net and the information. [9:07:53 PM] KB2SKP>thank you [9:11:14 PM] KB3JQQ-L>g'night