[7:52:55 PM] KB3SWS>Good evening all. :) [7:53:00 PM] AB3WG>Good Evening all - thanks for joining [8:08:58 PM] WI3N>Good evening Fr Al [8:09:58 PM] W3YVQ>Ge, Mr. Jim. [8:26:07 PM] KB3MXM>TU Jim [8:28:33 PM] KB3MXM>TU Chris AB3WG for being the MDC Section Manager [8:35:05 PM] W3YVQ>TNX for the -L service, John. [8:37:00 PM] W3YVQ>Note the number of BTN folks here tonight - well done, gents. [8:38:16 PM] KB3MXM>Chris - I'd like add another comment near that ebdvof the Net, TU [8:38:33 PM] AB3WG>ok - stand by mxm [8:38:49 PM] KB3SWS>Hi, Allen. [8:40:06 PM] W3YVQ>Was that the 24kHz Andrickson alternator station? [8:41:58 PM] NX3F>Good Evening Jeff & Pam [8:43:21 PM] KB3HWM-L>Mic not working for some reason, thanks as always! 73 [8:45:53 PM] AB3WG>thank you dave hwm - [8:50:02 PM] KB3MXM>Winter Field Day is Jan 27th & 28th, 2024 [8:53:46 PM] W3YVQ>I did not spell Alexanderson correctly. Ran 200KW from around 1910 to 1920. [8:54:00 PM] AB3WG>thanks [8:54:08 PM] W3YVQ>MC all [8:56:20 PM] KB3JQQ-L>17.2 KHz not 24