[7:58:33 PM] KB3SWS>Good evening everyone. [8:18:49 PM] AB3WG>jai -r next [8:21:15 PM] AB3WG>FDK NEXT [8:23:28 PM] WB3GXW>TIME OUT [8:32:35 PM] WB3GXW>time out pending [8:36:16 PM] WI3N>Hi Fr Al W3YVQ [8:39:51 PM] W3YVQ>Hello, Mr. Jim [8:42:31 PM] AB3WG>3/24 - MY BIRTHDAY [8:42:32 PM] WI3N>Happy Birthday to the MDC Echolink Net I started 18 years ago, in Fe of 2006. [8:42:33 PM] N3XL-R>Dead carrier timeout [8:42:34 PM] WB3GXW-R>Dead carrier timeout [8:43:28 PM] WB3GXW>low audio triggering dead carrier time out [8:44:25 PM] W3TDH>Microphone malfunctioning. Sorry about that. [8:49:59 PM] KB3SWS>Good night.