[7:53:52 PM] AB3WG>good Evening all - Thanks for joining! [7:54:56 PM] N3FQC>Good Evening Chris [8:00:05 PM] KB3SWS>Good evening everyone. [8:01:58 PM] K3ABZ>Cheers! [8:02:16 PM] K3ORB-R>hello! [8:02:26 PM] K3ORB-R>*WASH_DC* [8:11:10 PM] KC3OQP>cara fest is oct 6th not 12th [8:11:41 PM] N3FQC>Thanks Jeff, I was wondering [8:11:48 PM] WI3N>Good evening Fr Al [8:13:15 PM] AB3WG>ty oct 6 [8:14:50 PM] KC3OQP>yeah its 6th because im have an event same day [8:19:37 PM] W3YVQ>Hello, Mr. Jim [8:19:58 PM] WB3GXW>18 logged into server [8:21:26 PM] KB3JQQ-L>27 all over so far [8:28:40 PM] WB3GXW>QSL [8:31:39 PM] WB3GXW>correct LARC will be testing [8:33:27 PM] WI3N>Also, we had the Atlantic Division ARESMAT meeting this month. [8:42:30 PM] W3YVQ>Thumb sized! [8:47:00 PM] KB3JQQ-L>146.76-/107.2 [8:47:13 PM] KB3JQQ-L>146.67 SORRY! [8:47:17 PM] KC3OQP>the btn might be on the back up repeater [8:47:58 PM] N3FQC>ON the BARC repeater the last few weeks [8:48:29 PM] W3YVQ>BTN is on 146.67/107.2 at 6:30PM, backup 146.805/107.2 (with echolink). [8:48:34 PM] AC8AL>Thank you for the BARC. I will check that tomorrow to see if I can hit it. [8:48:38 PM] KC3OQP>k don he might be on the 805 [8:48:43 PM] W3YVQ>6.67 is currently up. [8:49:07 PM] KC3OQP>ok [8:49:33 PM] W3YVQ>Get WB2U to help with HF traffic net contacts. [8:50:02 PM] AC8AL>What is the repeater callsign for the 805? [8:50:10 PM] W3YVQ>W3CU [8:50:19 PM] AC8AL>The gentleman that programmed up the radios has everything by callsign. Thank you. [8:50:31 PM] AC8AL>I will see if it is there, if not, I will program it in. [8:50:33 PM] W3YVQ>AND THE BTN [8:50:36 PM] KB3JQQ-L>W3FTT for 146.67 [8:50:52 PM] W3YVQ>IS ON W3FT (6.67) [8:50:59 PM] AC8AL>Thank you. [8:51:03 PM] KB3JQQ-L>W3FT - keyboard stinks on this laptop [8:51:18 PM] AC8AL>Small keys, big fingers... [8:51:25 PM] W3YVQ>Let yer fangers do the talking [8:51:26 PM] AC8AL>That is what I tell folks. :-) [8:52:02 PM] KB3SWS>Good night all. [8:52:07 PM] AC8AL>Good night everyone. [8:52:17 PM] W3YVQ>73 all, SK